Ek Ek Din Udaashin (Insouciant Now and Then)

Thanks to Anupam Banerji for the translation of this poem by Sunil Gangopadhyay. We welcome your comments and questions about it. Use this form for contributing your own translation of a poem.

Bengali Version
Insouciant Now and Then

It does happen...
Now and then earth loses all friends
Alone you leave for the railway bridge
As shadows alight in the fading twilight
The river too lies motionless
And in aloneness you meet your face!
An old soul must have desired
Even the dim light of the railyard
Now I idolize paradise
O, humankind, once in oblivious flash
You too did smile, saying
"Living is an elegy of broken dreams!"
Do you not reminisce that false fetish
For grit and jubilant feast
Holding sabre in arrogant fist?
And those ravenous eyes' lust
For gold nuggets and silver dust
For seat of power or carnal desire!
Today you have walked away from it all
On the railway bridge at nightfall
As the sun drowns in blood
Whose lonesome laugh is heard?
Whose wailing soliloquy pierces the air?
"Relief is what I desire!"

(Our sincere thanks to Anupam Banerji abanerji@golden.net. The copyright of the original poem is with Sunil Gangopadhyay. Anupam holds the copyright for this translation.)

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