Banalata Sen

Thanks to Saumen Sengupta for the translation of this poem by Jibanananda Das. We welcome your comments and questions about it. Use this form for contributing your own translation of a poem.

Bengali Version
For ages I roamed around the earth
From the sea of Ceylon to the dark mysterious Malay Peninsula
Plying the unknown.
Grey monochrome worlds of Vimbisara's and of Asoka's unfolded
Before my vacant eyes
And also the distant resplendent Vidarbha years ago.
Tired exhausted I was amidst life plenty

Except when for a few lingering moments
I was refreshed anew by Banalata Sen.

Her hair exuded dark primitive nights of Vidisha
her face a sculpture from Shravastee;
And there was I like a rudderless seaman
Hopelessly adrift in an ocean suddenly discovering
A grass-carpeted land far away
In a cinnamon island, inviting and awaiting
As I saw her in the darkness
Lifting her eyes treasured
In the comfort and exuberance of a bird's nest meeting me
Tentative and yet reassuring, enquiring:
"Where had you been so long?"

At the end of a day as the dusk slowly settles
Ever so softly like falling dewdrops
As the hawks dress their feathers removing from wings
The last hint of a sun
The earth depletes all its colors
Concluding its manuscript
With tales reverating at the wings of extravagant fireflies.
All birds return to their nests as do the rivers to the sea
Terminating all transactions of life
In the quiescence of certainty.

Only in that soft private darkness I meet Banalata Sen
Now face-to-face.

(This poem was contributed by Saumen Sengupta )

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