Abani Bari Aachho? (Abani, Are You Home? )

Here's a powerful poem by Sakti Chattopadhyay. Thanks to Arindam Basu for this translation. We welcome your comments and questions about it. Use this form for contributing your own translation of a poem. .

Bengali Version
Abani, are you home?

Behind locked doors, this block is sleeping tight
Someone came knocking, deep into the night,
"Abani, are you home?"

It rains here all year round
Like grazing cattle - the clouds soar,
Green stems of tall grass outbound
Press against the door,
"Abani, are you home?"

A searing pain into my half-awake heart lashes deep,
In its middle, as I fall asleep,
Suddenly came someone knocking, deep into the night,
"Abani, are you home?"

(This translation was contributed by Arindam Basu arindam@aol.com )

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